Sunday, August 16, 2009


It's been a while since I've posted mostly because I've been fairly busy. I do have to make some comments about some of the stuff you see, hear and read in the news.
I really was hoping our new president and his administration was going to do well but as anyone who pays any attention at all to the news knows, it just ain't so. From the snitch web site to the "Chicago Style" strong arm tactics it not just "politics as usual" but politics more radical than ever. From the mind numbing amount of money to be spent on the "cap and trade" proposal to the "big brother" style health care proposals we, the taxpayers, are going to be burdened for generations.
I get tired of hearing the bullshit from both sides of these ideas. Everyone is exagerating bits and pieces to prove their points. Does anyone even know what the real bills say? The bottom line really is the cost! It's too much for such sweeping changes.
There is a couple of items I would like to make comments on however. When people say what a huge percentage of health care costs are spent on the final year of life I have to say to myself "Are these people too stupid to see the obvious?" Of course more money is spent then, when you're healthy why would you spend money?
The other thing is when proponents of the health care get out there and tout how they're "Not going to pull the plug on Gramma" pay attention. Of course they're not......... they're never going to allow Gramma to get plugged in in the first place. Think about it. The social engineers in power will only consider what your worth is in society and if you're old you're not worthy!