Friday, September 24, 2010

Future now

Anybody remember reading Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury?
Did this book published in the 50's predict today's reality or what?
      From the clamshell earpiece radios (ipod) to the wall sized televisions broadcasting politically correct messages (ditto) to the mechanical hound chasing down and killing lawbreakers (can you say predator drones) this is as chilling a vision of the future as I can remember reading.
      Most people assume this book was about censorship (you know, firemen burning books) but read a little closer. It's about the dumbing down of society through constant bombardment of the masses with bland, politically correct entertainment from the TV sets. Nobody reads, nobody thinks for themselves, nobody questions the government, everybody's the same. Does any of this sound familiar?
      Wake up! Educate yourselves! Vote! Get involved!