It seems that government, no matter if it's city, county, state, or federal becomes an entity that only wants to control everything. Because of the fact they (the politicians) are elected and could be booted out can only have control if you let them, have devised many schemes to accumulate that power.
The biggest weapon they have in their arsenal is fear. It is the fear of the unknown, the fear of the market collapsing, the fear of the other party, the fear of government itself is all thrown at a normally apathetic public who mostly just shrugs it's symbolic shoulder and never speaks up until the day it effects them. Government has learned to start by picking on the groups who have the least amount of support to stand up for them. Smokers for instance is one of those groups. Through stories in the news and constant vilification this group became the lowest common denominator which makes it OK to discrimate against them. And that is exactly what they have done in many places like Iowa where it is now illegal to smoke in ANY building the public has access to. It doesn't matter they also took away the property rights of businesses that might want to cater to smokers. It is control.....
What will be the next target? There's already talk about fat people...... pay by the pound for flying, not giving insurance to people who meet arbitrary guidelines, what's next taxing food by fat content? Then there's religion, there's the books you read, the internet sites you visit, the guns you own.
We need to be careful what we idly sit by and let get legislated aginst the American public.