Monday, September 15, 2008

lovely week

Well, it looks like the start of another lovely week. Not only is it time to go back to work, the news is chock full of bad news about the the economy, about lending companies failing, and just general reporting that "we're in a recession", "it's George Bush's fault", "Barrak's the answer", "McCain's the answer", yada, yada, yada... 
     Most people really can't get extremely concerned about the drivel that drools from the TV, radio, internet, and other news sources because they are busy making a living, working day to day, dealing with personal issues, etc.  Believe it or not, most people make up their minds, not from media input but from their own personal experiences. If gas prices go up... there's a problem! If the value of their IRA goes down... there's a problem! If they can't afford health insurance..... they know they're an accident or sickness away from disaster.
      But then again, they know this is America! If you get down, you can get up! Government can change and adapt. (well in theory, anyway) The stock market doesn't always go down, it can (and will) go back up.

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