Monday, September 22, 2008

Reasons to write

Well it's the start of another week.
     The news is full of gloom and doom. The politicians are busy calling each other names and accusing each other of everything under the sun.
     But meanwhile in the real world the price of gasoline is too high, the cost of insurance is unrealistic, the pay rates never meet the cost of living; and yet we continue because we're Americans, and Americans believe that as long as we're free we have the opportunity to improve our lot in life. If we lose a job, we can start our own business. If it fails, we pick up the pieces and go on. This is the land of opportunity.
     Enough of these digressions. I need to write, no I like to write, to relieve the stress of life in general. Whe you write you can go anywhere or do anything you'd like. You can be the smartest person you know or a bum. It's all in what you say. If you have a bad day at work- write down how you feel; you'll feel better. Life kicking you while you're down? Express your frustation. Go ahead and write down the good experiences as well. You'll be able to relive the good times anytime you want to review your documentation.

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