Saturday, September 27, 2008


      Ever notice that almost every elected official, no matter how good and normal they seem to be before assuming their positions, inevitably seem to get absorbed by the machine. With time they become just another cog in the machine. They all become obsessed with power whether they realize it or not.
      It seems that government, no matter if it's city, county, state, or federal becomes an entity that only wants to control everything. Because of the fact they (the politicians) are elected and could be booted out can only have control if you let them, have devised many schemes to accumulate that power. 
      The biggest weapon they have in their arsenal is fear. It is the fear of the unknown, the fear of the market collapsing, the fear of the other party, the fear of government itself is all thrown at a normally apathetic public who mostly just shrugs it's symbolic shoulder and never speaks up until the day it effects them. Government has learned to start by picking on the groups who have the least amount of support to stand up for them. Smokers for instance is one of those groups. Through stories in the news and constant vilification this group became the lowest common denominator which makes it OK to discrimate against them. And that is exactly what they have done in many places like Iowa where it is now illegal to smoke in ANY building the public has access to. It doesn't matter they also took away the property rights of businesses that might want to cater to smokers. It is control.....
      What will be the next target? There's already talk about fat people...... pay by the pound for flying, not giving insurance to people who meet arbitrary guidelines, what's next taxing food by fat content? Then there's religion, there's the books you read, the internet sites you visit, the guns you own. 
   We need to be careful what we idly sit by and let get legislated aginst the American public.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Anybody else out there uncomfortable with this bailout of money men the president and Congress is trying to ramrod into effect? This is one of the biggest travesties of public trust in recent memory. They are basically wanting to reward irresponsible behavior. People who have squandered huge amounts of capital on risky investments and exorbitant spending; who have lived the lifestyles of the rich and famous; who have rewarded themselves with golden parachutes that would make a third world dictator blush are now coming to Washington, hat in hand, asking to be bailed out. It is not a good idea to blindly accept the notion that this is something that we, the american taxpayer, should accept.
     When you raise a child you do not reward bad behavior- that just encourages irresponsibility, and repeated offenses. You try to make them accept personal responsibility.
      If we reward the irresponsible gamblers in the markets we are in effect punishing the people who were doing the right thing. The banks and lending institutions who did things properly, who didn't just act for greed, will get the wrong message. They should be commended for their ethical behavior and the poorly managed companies should be allowed to sink or swim.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Reasons to write

Well it's the start of another week.
     The news is full of gloom and doom. The politicians are busy calling each other names and accusing each other of everything under the sun.
     But meanwhile in the real world the price of gasoline is too high, the cost of insurance is unrealistic, the pay rates never meet the cost of living; and yet we continue because we're Americans, and Americans believe that as long as we're free we have the opportunity to improve our lot in life. If we lose a job, we can start our own business. If it fails, we pick up the pieces and go on. This is the land of opportunity.
     Enough of these digressions. I need to write, no I like to write, to relieve the stress of life in general. Whe you write you can go anywhere or do anything you'd like. You can be the smartest person you know or a bum. It's all in what you say. If you have a bad day at work- write down how you feel; you'll feel better. Life kicking you while you're down? Express your frustation. Go ahead and write down the good experiences as well. You'll be able to relive the good times anytime you want to review your documentation.

Monday, September 15, 2008

lovely week

Well, it looks like the start of another lovely week. Not only is it time to go back to work, the news is chock full of bad news about the the economy, about lending companies failing, and just general reporting that "we're in a recession", "it's George Bush's fault", "Barrak's the answer", "McCain's the answer", yada, yada, yada... 
     Most people really can't get extremely concerned about the drivel that drools from the TV, radio, internet, and other news sources because they are busy making a living, working day to day, dealing with personal issues, etc.  Believe it or not, most people make up their minds, not from media input but from their own personal experiences. If gas prices go up... there's a problem! If the value of their IRA goes down... there's a problem! If they can't afford health insurance..... they know they're an accident or sickness away from disaster.
      But then again, they know this is America! If you get down, you can get up! Government can change and adapt. (well in theory, anyway) The stock market doesn't always go down, it can (and will) go back up.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Greatest Generation

I was riding my bike today and listening to the "Drive By Truckers" on my MP3 player I was kind of struck by the lyrics to the song "The Sands of Iwo Jima". This song just epitomizes the kind of people who made this country great. Not as soldiers per se, but as personalities. These were people that put their country and their fellow human beings ahead of self interest to fight in World War II. Instead of paying tribute to these people and their achievements so many people today, especially Europeans and the uninformed have forgotten they would be speaking either German or Japanese if it were not for these brave Americans.
     I remember hearing my father and some of his aquaintenances occasionally discussing their experiences during that time of great upheaval. Most of the time they had a smile on their faces and spent a lot of time laughing as they reminisced. I always had a feeling, even as a kid, that the laughter and smiles were somehow forced. You know kind of like whistling as you walk past a graveyard after dark They never talked in public about some of the absolute horrors they experienced. They never talked about the months and sometimes years of nightmares and insomnia that followed their return home. They kept that to themselves, because that's the way they were. It was their cross to bear and they were willing to do it. Some tried to drown the nightmares in alcohol and drugs, some turned to religion, and some just suffered through. But no matter what they never complained. They picked up the pieces and went on.
     When I see so many people today who feel the world owes them a living; who think the government should take care of them from "womb to tomb"; who feel it's OK to have the government redistribute wealth; who aren't willing to work and sacrifice to get ahead bitching and moaning about how rough they have it I can't help but think "what losers!" It's enough to make a person puke! These people are like parasites... always taking, never giving.
     The World War II generation is almost gone from us now. The hands of time stand still for no one. It is up to those of us who benefitted from their heroism and patriotism to carry on their memory and legacy.
     God bless our service people, past and present!

Another week in Paradise

Good thing it's Friday! It's been quite the week.
     Bowling season started on Tuesday evening which was a real treat after not even picking up a bowling ball since Memorial Day. One decent game and two lousy ones which is better than first week last season when I had three bad games.
     Spent most of the week at work preparing for customer audit scheduled for Friday the 12th. Everything looked pretty good and the customer was pleased with what they saw so I guess the hard week was worth it.
      It's been really hard to get much bicycling time in this week since it's rained almost every day this week. Imagine that! Rain in Iowa!! It's been rain straight since late Wednesday so we are now under flash flood watch once again.
      Even though it's forcasted to rain until Saturday afternoon at least the Iowa-Iowa State game will give me something to do to pass the time until it stops.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

weekend thoughts

Haven't had much time to think about putting anything on here for the last couple of days. I've been busy working on installing new tile in my kitchen. You know how it is when you have an old house..... there's always something that needs to be done. I know it will be nice when it's done but it seems to take forever.
       I haven't even spent any time working on my restoration project... a '61 Morris Minor. It's currently up on barrels while I replace some floor panels.
      I did take some time to go on a bicycle ride, something I try to do everyday. I went 9 miles today since the weather was decent. I usually go 5-7 miles everytime I go. Between bicycling and NutriSystem I've lost 60 pounds since April 10th this year. That was the day I first started. 310 pounds was just too much weight to be hauling around at my age. 250 lbs. is a lot better, not as good as 200 would be, but one day at a time.

Friday, September 5, 2008


     Well the political party conventions are finally over. Anyone else glad the election is almost here? The Democrats for all their pomp and circumstance still were just reiterating much of the same stuff they've been using for the last thirty or forty years. "They're going to help the little guy, they'll reduce our taxes by raising taxes on corporations, they're going to make sure everyone gets everything whether they work for it or not"
     Well, guess what, corporations don't pay taxes by reducing profits, they merely pass costs on to consumers so in reality WE pay the higher taxes. 
      Outside of the Palin speech the Republicans weren't a whole lot better. Promising change doesn't mean a whole lot when the Congress isn't willing to cooperate.