Sunday, September 20, 2009

'tis the season

Yes!!! Football season is underway! Good old football........ high school, college, or pro.... it's all good!
My personal favorite is college ball, especially the Iowa teams. The Hawkeyes and the Panthers look good but I'm not sure about the Cyclones just yet. They are definitely improved over last year as near as I can tell.
The only bad this about football season is it means winter is just around the corner, but then again it comes anyway.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Czar is gone

Well, one is gone, who's next? The "Green" czar has resigned. Of course, Van Jones never should have occupied that position. How could a man who held these views and publicly stated them ever gotten past the vetting process?
This was either the most inept investigation in the history of politics or the "powers that be" thought nobody would complain, that we would just let them do what they wanted. They were wrong, weren't they? This is just the beginning of the resistance to full government takeover. People are slowly beginning to be aware that we must watch politicians at all times, they are like kleptomaniacs, if you let them take a little power, they'll keep taking.
It is of utmost importance that everyone is vigilant or we will end up with no power and no freedoms!!!