Thursday, April 9, 2009

Back in the saddle

Well, it's been a while since I posted, sorry about that! I've been a little preoccupied with work issues and with trying to make progress on my restoration projects.
Anyway, it's kind of therapuetic to sit down and write again. 
Even though the economy is still extremely shaky at least I still have a job. 
The politicians are trying their best to burden us, our children and grandchildren with debt us or them will never be able to repay. They try to spin this as stimulus and divert our attention by giving us a little more of our own money in our paychecks by using lower withholding rates. They're banking on the basic apathy of the public to not notice that that money buys less because it's worth less. That's at least until they get all their social programs in place and get the masses dependent upon the government. This is an agenda people need to wake up and take notice of before it's too late. 
Stand up! Go to and take a stand for America.